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  • · Using public transportation will make your trip to the GOCHEOK SKY DOME more pleasant!
  • · If you use public transportation, you can save time and cost as well as enjoy your time
      at the GOCHEOK SKY DOME more conveniently and comfortably.
  • · If you come by bus you can get to the DONGYANGMIRAE UNIVERSITY, Guro sungsim
      Hospital in just two minutes from the bus station.


from subway station

· Subway Line 1, Gu il Station, Exit 2
  (If you walk from the station, it will take you around 15 minutes.)


bus information
From Incheon International Airport
From Incheon International Airport
Departure BUS NO Via BUS NO Arrival
Incheon International Airport
(1st Floor 6A, 12B)
6003 Guro gonggusangga 160 DONGYANG
Guro Sungsim Hospital
6003 Guro gonggusangga 6637
6003 Guro gonggusangga 10
6003 Guro gonggusangga 301
6003 Guro station Aekyoung Department 5712
6003 Guro station Aekyoung Department 5626
Incheon International Airport
(1st Floor 6B, 13A)
6018 Shindorim Station 160
6018 Shindorim Station 6637
6018 Shindorim Station 10
Incheon International Airport
(1st Floor 6A, 12B)
6008 Middle school Deungchon,
Beaksuk Elementary School
Via subway Sin do rim Station(Subway Line 1,2)
Via subway Sin do rim Station(Subway Line 1,2)
Blue 160, 260, 600, 660
Green 5614, 6513, 6637, 6640
Blue 88, 92
Express city bus 301, 320, 905, 510
Via subway Gu ro station Aekyoung(Subway Line 1)
Via subway Gu ro station Aekyoung(Subway Line 1)
Green 5626, 5712